Monday, October 1, 2012


Excerpts of the Alumni meeting dated September 22, 2012

·        The director asked the Association to select candidates for the local school board of trustees. The members will come from the alumni, PTA, youth sector, insider and the parish community. We made recommendations and it’s up to the school to make the final selections. The trustees will meet twice a year  and they will function as a consultative body. Their term of office will be 2 years.

·        The alumni was tasked to draft a letter of invitation to the alumni of North America thru Rodel Edrosa for their participation to the upcoming Balik SAA homecomings particularly the  Golden Anniversary Homecoming in 2015

·        We were informed that at present there are two undergoing alumni projects: the SAA Main gate by Batch 1980 and the Toilet Project by Batch 1972.
·        The director left for the United States the next day. Hopefully, he will meet some alumni in North America.
·        Planning for the Balik SAA 2012 will be continued  on the first Sunday of October (October 7, 2012) right after the second mass. The secretary was tasked to make a letter of notice to all officers, batch coordinators  particularly the host classes, i.e., Classes 67, 72, 77, 82, 87, 92, 97, 2002, 2007
·        A follow up meeting was also scheduled on October 28.
·        The official report will be available from the Secretary.

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